Dr. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary
Professor | Huzhou Normal University
College of Information Engineering
Huzhou - Zhejiang Province
J1. Himanshu Dhumras, PK Shukla, RK Bajaj, Wadii Boulila, Varun Shukla, PK Shukla, Vinodh Kumar Minchula, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, "Industry 5.0 Enablers in Consumer Electronics Market Assessment Under T-Spherical Fuzzy Integrated Decision-Making Approach", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023,Impact Factor: 4.3.
J2. Faiza Babar Khan, Muhammad Hanif Durad, Asifullah Khan, FA Khan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, MA Alqarni, "Detection of data scarce malware using one-shot learning with relation network", IEEE Access, 2023.Impact Factor: 3.4.
J3. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, MS Alkatheiri, MA Alqarni, Sajid Saleem, "An efficient evolutionary deep learning-based attack prediction in supply chain management systems", Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 109, 2023.Impact Factor: 4.0.
J4. Abdullah IA Alzahrani, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Abdulrahman A Alshdadi, "Internet of things (IoT)-Based Wastewater management in smart cities", Electronics 2023, 12(12), 2590.Impact Factor: 2.6.
J5. MA Alqarni, MS Alkatheiri, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Sajid Saleem, "Use of blockchain-based smart contracts in logistics and supply chains", Electronics 2023, 12(6), 1340.Impact Factor: 2.6.
J6. Ahmad O. Aseeri, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, MS Alkatheiri, MA. Alqarni, Yu Zhuang, "Application of Physical Unclonable Function for Lightweight Authentication in Internet of Things" Computers, Materials and Continua, 75(1).Impact Factor: 2.1.
J7. MS Alkatheiri, Sajid Saleem, MA Alqarni, Ahmad O Aseeri, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Yu Zhuang, "A lightweight authentication scheme for a network of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by using physical unclonable functions" Electronics 2022, 11, 2921. 2022.Impact Factor: 2.6.
J8. MS Alkatheiri, MA Alqarni, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, "Cyber security framework for smart home energy management systems" Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 46, 101232. 2021.Impact Factor: 5.3.
J9. MS Alkatheiri, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, MA Alqarni. "Seamless security apprise method for improving the reliability of sustainable energy-based smart home applications" Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 45, 101219. 2021. Impact Factor: 5.3.
J10. AS Alfakeeh, MA Alqarni, KH Alyoubi, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, "A complementary automation control for Internet of Things-based smart home assistance for elder adults" Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-13. 2021. Impact Factor: 2.3.
J11. RA Alsolami, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, AA Alshdadi. "Interoperable access framework for internet of things backhauled heterogeneous applications" Microprocessors and Microsystems 82, 103835.2021. Impact Factor: 1.5.
J12. Mohammed A Alqarni, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Maryam Naseer Malik, Muhammad Ehatisham-ul-Haq, Muhammad Awais Azam. "Identifying smartphone users based on how they interact with their phones." Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences , 10 (1), 2020; 1-14. Impact Factor : 3.212.
J13. Zhigao Zheng, Tao Wang, Jinming Wen, Shahid Mumtaz, Ali Kashif Bashir, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, "Differentially Private High-Dimensional Data Publication in Internet of Things" IEEE Internet of Things Journal , 7(4) (2020). 2640 - 2650 . Impact Factor: 9.5.
J14. Rajakumar Arul, Gunasekaran Raja, Alaa Omran Almagrabi, Mohammed Saeed Alkatheiri, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Kashif Bashir, "A Quantum Safe Key Hierarchy and Dynamic Security Association for LTE/SAE in 5G Scenario" IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(1) 2020. 681 - 690. Impact Factor: 7.3
J15. Svitlana Kutia, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Celestine Iwendi, Lin Liu, Wang Yong, Ali Kashif Bashir, "Socio-Technological factors affecting user’s adoption of eHealth functionalities" IEEE Access, 7 (2019), 90777-90788. Impact Factor: 4.0
J16. Durai Raj Vincent, N Deepa, Dhivya Elavarasan, Kathiravan Srinivasan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Celestine Iwendi, "Sensors Driven AI-based Agriculture Recommendation Model for Assessing Land Suitability". Sensors 19, no. 17 (2019): 3667. Impact Factor: 3.014
J17. Ali, Adnan, Hamaad Rafique, Talha Arshad, Mohammed A. Alqarni, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Ali Kashif Bashir. "A Fractal-Based Authentication Technique Using Sierpinski Triangles in Smart Devices." Sensors 19, no. 3 (2019): 678. Impact Factor: 3.014.
J18. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Hassan, Mohammed A. Alqarni, Abdullah Alamri, and Ali Kashif Bashir. "A twofold sink-based data collection in wireless sensor network for sustainable cities." Sustainable cities and society 45 (2019): 1-7. Impact Factor: 3.073.
J19. Rani, Shalli, and Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary. "A Novel Framework and Enhanced QoS Big Data Protocol for Smart City Applications." Sensors 18, no. 11 (2018): 3980. Impact Factor: 3.014
J20. Azhar, Marium, Hassan Dawood, Hussain Dawood, Gulraiz Iqbal Choudhary, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary. "Detail-preserving switching algorithm for the removal of random-valued impulse noise." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2018): 1-21. Impact Factor: 1.4
J21. Ahmad, Muhammad, Mohammed A. Alqarni, Asad Khan, Adil Khan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, et al. "Smartwatch-Based Legitimate User Identification for Cloud-Based Secure Services." Mobile Information Systems (2018). Impact Factor: 0.958
J22. Jayaraman, Ramkumar, Gunasekaran Raja, Ali Kashif Bashir, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Hassan, and Mohammed A. Alqarni. "Interference Mitigation Based on Radio Aware Channel Assignment for Wireless Mesh Networks." Wireless Personal Communications 101, no. 3 (2018): 1539-1557. Impact Factor: 1.2
J123. Lee, Hyun-Jung, Myat Thida Soe, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, et al. "A data aggregation scheme for boundary detection and tracking of continuous objects in WSN." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 23, no. 1 (2017): 135-147. Impact Factor: 0.644
J24. Rizwan, Ramsha, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Haider Abbas, and Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary. "Anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks using immune-based bioinspired mechanism." International journal of distributed sensor networks 11, no. 10 (2015): 684952. Impact Factor: 1.78
J25. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Myong-Soon Park, Ali Kashif Bashir, Sayed Chhattan Shah, and Jeongjoon Lee. "A collaborative scheme for boundary detection and tracking of continuous objects in WSNs." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 19, no. 3 (2013): 439-456. Impact Factor: 0.644
J26. Sajjad Hussain Chauhadry, Jeongjoon Lee, Sayed Chhattan Shah, and Myong-Soon Park. "EBCO-efficient boundary detection and tracking continuous objects in WSNs." KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 6, no. 11 (2012): 2901-2919. Impact Factor: 0.61
J27. Shah, Sayed Chhattan, Myong Soon Park, Wan Sik Choi, Zeeshan Hameed Mir, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Fida Hussain Chandio. "An Adaptive Distance-based Resource Allocation Scheme for Interdependent Tasks in Mobile Ad Hoc Computational Grids." Information Technology and Control 41, no. 4 (2012): 307-317. Impact Factor: 0.80
J28. Shah, Sayed Chhattan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Myong-Soon Park. "An effective and robust two-phase resource allocation scheme for interdependent tasks in mobile ad hoc computational Grids." Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 72, no. 12 (2012): 1664-1679. Impact Factor: 1.81
J29. Bashir, Ali Kashif, Se-Jung Lim, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Myong-Soon Park. "Energy efficient in-network RFID data filtering scheme in wireless sensor networks." Sensors 11, no. 7 (2011): 7004-7021. Impact Factor: 3.014.
J30. Bashir, Ali Kashif, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Sayed Chhattan Shah, and Myong-soon Park. "Mobile RFID and its design security issues." IEEE Potentials 30, no. 4 (2011): 34-38.
J31. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, S. H., A. K. Bashir, S. C. Shah, and Myong Soon Park. "EOATR: energy efficient object tracking by auto adjusting transmission range in wireless sensor network." Journal of Applied Sciences 9, no. 24 (2009): 4247-4252.
J32. Shah, S. C., Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, A. K. Bashir, and Myong Soon Park. "A centralized location-based job scheduling algorithm for inter-dependent jobs in mobile ad hoc computational grids." Journal of Applied Sciences 10, no. 3 (2010): 174-181.
J33. Kim, Jung-Hwan, Kee-Bum Kim, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Wencheng Yang, and Myong-Soon Park. "DEMOCO: Energy-efficient detection and monitoring for continuous objects in wireless sensor networks." IEICE transactions on communications 91, no. 11 (2008): 3648-3656. Impact Factor: 1.08
Int. Conference
C1. Gunasekaran Raja, Aishwarya Ganapathisubramaniyan, Gayatri Iyer Sethuraman, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Ali Hassan. "Secured LTE-Wi-Fi Offloading Using RTT Based Evading Malicious Access Point (EMAP) Algorithm" 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (2019).
C2. Raja, Gunasekaran, Kottilingam Kottursamy, Sajjad Hussain Chaudhary, Ali Hassan, and Mohammed Alqarni. "SDN assisted middlebox synchronization mechanism for next generation mobile data management system." In 2017 IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, pp. 1-7.
C3. Shah, Sayed Chhattan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Muhammad Bilal, and Myong Soon Park. "Network aware and power-based resource allocation in mobile Ad Hoc computational grid." In 2014 IEEE Intl Conf on High Performance Computing and Communications, pp. 428-435.
C4. Shah, Sayed Chhattan, Myong-Soon Park, Wan Sik Choi, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Ali Kashif Bashir. "Network aware resource allocation scheme for mobile ad hoc computational grid." In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, pp. 105-116. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
C5. Jin, Dong-Xu, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Xu Ji, Yi-Ying Zhang, Dong-Hyun Lee, and Myong-Soon Park. "Energy-efficiency continuous object tracking via automatically adjusting sensing range in wireless sensor network." In 2009 Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, pp. 122-127.
C6. Shah, Sayed Chhattan, Ali Kashif Bashir, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Chen Jiehui, and Myong-Soon Park. "Mobile ad hoc computational grid for low constraint devices." In 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, pp. 416-420. IEEE, 2009.
C7. Ji, Xu, Yi-Ying Zhang, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Dong-Xu Jin, Eun-Mook Lee, and Myong-Soon Park. "FOTP: Face-based Object Tracking Protocol in wireless sensor network." In 2009 Fourth International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, pp. 128-133.
C8. Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Myong-Soon Park. "[ETCTR] efficient target localization by controlling the transmission range in wireless sensor networks." In 2008 Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, vol. 1, pp. 3-7.
C9. Kim, Jung-Hwan, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Wen-Cheng Yang, Dong-Sub Kim, and Myong-Soon Park. "PRODUCE: a probability-driven unequal clustering mechanism for wireless sensor networks." In 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications-Workshops (aina workshops 2008), pp. 928-933.
C10. Kim, Jung-Hwan, Kee-Bum Kim, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Min-Woo Cui, and Myong-Soon Park. "Energy-efficient tracking of continuous objects in wireless sensor networks." In International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, pp. 323-337. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
C11. Chaudhry, Shafique Ahmad, Won Do Jung, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, Ali Hammad Akbar, and Ki-Hyung Kim. "A proxy-enabled service discovery architecture to find proximity-based services in 6LoWPAN." In International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 956-965. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
C12. Bashir, Ali Kashif, Ali Hammad Akbar, Shafique Ahmad Chaudhary, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Ki-Hyung Kim. "Collaborative detection and agreement protocol for routing malfunctioning in wireless sensor networks." In 2006 8th International Conference Advanced Communication Technology, vol. 1, pp. 327-332.
C13. Akbar, Ali Hammad, Ahmad Ali Iqbal, Shafique Ahmad Chaudhry, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary, and Ki-Hyung Kim. "A Routing Overlay for Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Services Support." In Outstanding Paper Award) Korea International Next Generation Personal Computer Conference (KINGPC), Seoul, pp. 171-175. 2005.
P1. Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, and Kwang Soo Hahn. "Electric vehicle and method of operating using an SAE standard and user terminal." U.S. Patent 9,566,873, issued February 14, 2017.
P2. Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, and Kwang Soo Hahn. "Method for charging an electric vehicle including a battery." U.S. Patent 9,096,137, issued August 4, 2015.
P3. Kim, Yeong Chan, and Chauhdary Sajjad Hussain. "Electric vehicle charging apparatus, electric vehicle charging system including the same, and electric vehicle charging method." U.S. Patent 9,050,901, issued June 9, 2015.
P4. Kim, Yeong Chan, and Chauhdary Sajjad Hussain. "An electric vehicle charger using unit based accounting and electric vehicle system including the same" KR Patent 1013238890000, issued Oct 24, 2013.
P5. Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, and Kwang Soo Hahn. "Electric vehicle and method for actuating same." U.S. Patent Application 14/353,013, filed December 25, 2014.
P6. Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, and Kwang Soo Hahn. "Embedded device for controlling communication with vehicle and method for actuating same." U.S. Patent Application 14/353,003, filed December 4, 2014.
P7. Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, and Kwang Soo Hahn. "Apparatus for controlling home communication." U.S. Patent Application 14/352,995, filed October 23, 2014.